October 29, 2012

Angel's 17th~

Had dinner @ Pepperoni's pizzeria along zion road for angel's 17th, They've got like the XXL pizza which is really huge and really yummeh~
After which off to Tab to partyyyeee then to zouk then to mink. 
Tiring, but a fun day though ^^

Loving Camo~

Dk for what?

Quote of the day Hahahaha some campaign  thingy

Braces boy who refused to smile

Random days @work, chomps, airport...

SMIGGLES!~ fabian's qt puppy 

Off to fab's crib for some karaoke session with super star Ranald around he never fails to entertain us! shall upload the video of him singing! his emotions must maintain HAHA

Headed home in the morning DAMN THE SHAG

Following day @hv~

Poor boy going in ns like today last night was his last day with his hair! hahaha I downloaded the app just to show him how he'll look like!

                                     Before                                                                                After

Damn funny lah guys can't stop laughing but not so kua zhang lah!
Have fun serving the nation marky!
see you after 2 weeks!

Last but not least......

Introducing Bryan Ng
Male 21  
He says his lonely any takers?

Photos up from a few weeks ago @ marina barrage not all loaded though shall post these first~

Ending off with my unglam face
okay what not bad HAH

Hope y'all had a good Holiday!
Have a good week ahead!



Anonymous said...

hi!=) hmm, may i ask whats the app that u use for the reflection image in one of the pic on this post?

AMANDA said...

Hi! Fxcamera! <: